ハンドメイド ショルダーバッグ⁄ハンドバッグ ジャガード織りバッグ

ハンドメイド ショルダーバッグ⁄ハンドバッグ ジャガード織りバッグ

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[エイトボアー] 生成りハンドメイド 牛本革 自立式ショルダーバッグ

| [エイトボアー] ◇生成りハンドメイド 牛本革 自立式

Going out can't find a suitable carry-on bag?
Go out with friends want to look good and store?
lightweight design lets you go out and carry essential items and style!
cool bag for a warm touch
Leather cover and castor soft and tough
Even in the dark the same type
[Product size]
Length 30X width 23X depth 5 (cm) hand made error 1~2cm
[model height]
leather bag cover strap bag body nettle
[order making]
spot sent within three days the rest of the order after 7-14 days delivery please wait.
[Cleaning method]
bag body can be wiped with dust and water stains and the leather care recommended special maintenance lotion